

I have seen a few documentaries in the past about Issei Sagawa. So I went into this doc with no real expectations at all. I might hear about what new exploits he got himself in. Well, I got much more than I ever could expect. A new character in the sordid story, his brother Jun. These two siblings open up to each other about themselves. I don’t know how to explain it, but somehow these two guys are not just siblings but broken in a way that is not something most people experience.

The film starts out being about Issei, the murderer of his Dutch classmate, Renée Hartevelt. Her murder is done for the sole purpose of Issei consuming her flesh. This disgusting crime and the manga book he wrote based on the Rolling Stones song about his case, “Too Much Blood,” fascinated the world. The insanity of his crime and Issei is now a tiny older adult that’s frailty masks his true nature as he walks around freely is mindblowing.

Even though Issei speaks about his crimes and mental state openly, he is frank about the fact he’s a broken person. From his current physical appearance, it doesn’t seem plausible he is capable of violence until you meet his brother Jun. Who has no issues introducing you to his and his brother Issei’s demons. Then it is clear. Issei is the monster he professes to be, and it isn’t just him. The film doesn’t speak for the victim, which is incredibly offensive. It is heartbreaking. Renée films as disposable to the film as she was to Issei. I will say this. The film Caniba does one thing perfectly. The film shows the existence of real-life monsters that walk among us. I am a firm believer true crime shouldn’t be entertainment. This documentary doesn’t entertain. It warns you. Be safe.

Vice did a story that should be read about Issei.


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